An exhibit that takes you back to the time-old tradition of cigar-rolling, which made Tampa known as the Cigar Capital. With over 60 years of combined experience,our Master Cigar-Rollers will demonstrate the art of cigar rolling and allow your guests to experience a bit of history. Included for your event are 50 hand-rolled Cigars to sell or use as a complimentary sample to special guests. All of our premier cigars are 100% hand-made in the Cuban tradition. Our factory is located in the heart of historic Ybor City. Our handmade cigars are available in a wide variety of sizes and flavors.
FILLER: Our filler is the finest handpicked tobacco from the Dominican Republic. We use various types of fillers to create the best tasting flavor combination.
BINDER: Our binder is a strong, coarse tobacco leaf that is used to give each cigar their distinct shape. The binder is the layer of the cigar wrappedaround the filler and underneath the wrapper.
WRAPPER: Our wrapper is a very pliable piece of tobacco grown for the specific purpose of being stretched around the cigar to give it that finished look you see on all of our cigars.
SIZES: We have a variety of ring sizes for you to choose from. Cigars are measured in 64ths of an inch, across their diameter. For example a cigar with a ring size of 48 would be exactly ¾” of an inch across and a cigar with a ring size of 32 would be a half inch across.
Custom labels: We can customize your cigars by printing labels with memorable information and the date of your party. It's a wonderful addition of flare and pizzazz to your day! Great for cocktail parties or any adult occasion.